Tuesday, March 26, 2013


GOD had sent me a new problem. i am young entrepreneur and im selling artist's merchandise. In December 2012 i opened a pre order to Take Me Home Yearbook by One Direction and when i closed the pre order, i count that there's 8 buyers. I just a reseller, so i bought this take me home yearbook with someone. price of each is Rp220.000 and i bought 8 so i pay her Rp1.760.000. I sell the book with price Rp250.000. since December, my books havent come yet until now. i dont know what to do, all of  my customers have been call me all day, i am stressed out. my supplier is a reseller too and she said that her supplier is lost, she dont know where's he. now i contact both of them but they are lost.

I know that GOD dont let me down, He gives me a problem and i believe that He can solve my problem. I dont know how to solve this, but i believe that He always there when i need. I just begging on GOD because He is the only one that i trust. Every day and night i pray, i wish there's a way to solve this. I know that GOD give this problem for get me closer to HIM.

i hope you see this post and i hope you pray for me, please let this problems clear. thank you

Monday, March 25, 2013

lemot? no way!

Di jaman sekarang, yang paling ngetrend apalagi kalo bukan smart phone? Kalo mata lirik kiri kanan, pasti kita bakalan nemuin tiap orang lagi terpaku sama smart phone masing-masing, entah  mereka lagi chatting, twitteran, facebookan, dll, yang jelas ibarat perangko sama lem, gak bisa lepas.

Gadget smart phone yang sering kita temuin kan banyak banget tuh, tapi yang paling sering sih Blackberry. smart phone yang bernama Blackberry emang canggih banget sih sob, smart phone ini yang pertama kali punya inovasi baru, yaitu "blackberry messenger" biasa kita singkat "bbm". Pertama kali produk Blackberry keluar di Indonesia, smart phone ini laku keras, dan yang beli gak cuma kalangan orang muda, tapi berbagai kalangan.

Nah, kebanyakkan tuh kalo udah punya smartphone pasti dong kita mau layanan yang oke banget, beruntung di Indonesia sih ada provider yang kece abis, namanya simPATI. Kalo kalian semua masih pake provider yang lain, mending langsung pindah ke simPATI, soalnya murah dan signal selalu bagus dimana-mana. Biasa kita sering twitteran, kan? Gak mau dong kalo lagi sending tweet tiba-tiba connection error, terus lagi nonton video di youtube, ehhhh ngadet-ngadet gitu. Pasti rasanya pengen banting smartphone-nya karena saking lemot tuh smartphone. Daripada sayang dibanting, mending ganti provider ke simPATI deh! biar hobi kita yang sosialita banget gak sampe keganggu. Lemot? NO WAY!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

back to the reality

Well, long time not blogging. this blog had changed name for 3 times. I promise this is the last time i changed the URL.

This blog is means a lot for me, because so many experience that i've save, but im not post it because its so embarassing.

Here i am, the real michelle. im at the right in my profile photo. i am 16 this years. I cant believe life is so fast, i remember when i still in the elementary, wearing white shirt with red skirt. But now i'm wearing white shirt with grey skirt. Still can't believe it happens to me. LOL

My teenage life is full of fan-girling. yeah i love many singers. here's my favorite :

Sometimes i imagine how my life's going, marry one of them. But yeah u know its a bit selfish, there's so many girls want to marry them too. but lets back to the reality, man i am indonesia, live in the east side of the earth but they live in west side of the earth. How can i be? I'm not angry with God but, i just change my mind  to be more MATURE.